
Managing with broken tooth – few easy tips to make life easy temporarily

About broken or chipped tooth

There is always the possibility for a tooth to get chipped or broken to pieces. In both the conditions it is likely that a sharp edge gets created which digs into your tongue, cheek or the lips. At times such diggings could really be painful. In the following sections of the post a dentist in London suggests few tips for you in case you are suffering from pain resulting from a sharp edge or two of a broken or chipped tooth.

  • First start with flossing around the problem area and then thoroughly brush the tooth normally to maintain its cleanliness and hygiene.
  • In order to ease the pain you can have the analgesics or pain relievers that are available over the counter at medicine shops, paracetamol for example.
  • Directly rub toothpaste on the affected tooth and do not rinse the mouth with water immediately after to prevent washing away the benefits of the toothpaste.
  • Clove oil works wonders in relieving pain in these conditions; you could soak a tiny cotton ball by applying a few drops of clove oil to it and then place the cotton ball directly on the affected tooth. It is important to note that this therapy usually takes about 15 to 20 minutes to start its effect.
  • A dentist who handles patients of broken tooth extraction in London over the years suggests, alternatively you may buy temporary filling material which you can easily get at your neighbourhood drugstore or supermarket. Follow the instructions printed on the packet to repair the tooth on your own. Examples of this kind of products include DenTek and Dentanurse.

On the other hand if your broken or chipped tooth makes you suffer from unbearable pain or creating severe damage to you cheek or the lips in that case it is always better and wise to get an appointment with a dentist and seek professional intervention into the matter. A dentist will diagnose your tooth and the overall condition and recommend you appropriate solutions to overcome the problem for once and for all.

For example, if a tooth is broken or chipped but here is no pain involved, then you can avoid filling it yourself and rather take extra care of the tooth with thorough brushing and flossing till you get an appointment with your dentist to settle the matter finally and professionally.

Formation of a hole in the tooth or lost filling

The condition of formation of a hole in the tooth or a lost filing may also make you suffer from pain. In these cases you should better do the following suggests a dentist having years of experience in broken tooth removal

  • Stay away from sugary foods and drinks which may make the pain more intense
  • Do not skip thoroughly brushing the teeth with any fluoride toothpaste every day
  • Just like in case of a broken tooth, in these cases too you can buy temporary filling material from the supermarket or your neighbourhood pharmacy to provide the necessary repairing yourself based on the instructions printed on the packet

You may not be comfortable with applying the filling material; in that case it is completely alright to leave the tooth without a filling. But when a tooth is left without a filling, it becomes more prone to further decay. So you have to walk the extra mile every day brushing and flossing the tooth with extra care to keep infections, diseases and aches at bay. A permanent solution to this problem is necessary and so although the tips above can help you cope with the problem of a lost filling in the tooth temporarily, you should book an appointment with your dentist as early as you can and settle the matter for once and for all.

Loose or missing dental crowns and veneers

A loose or a lost dental crown may result in pain which you can overcome with pain relievers that are available over the counter at chemist shops, like paracetamol explain dentists who tackle cases of broken tooth repair over the years. In order to further tackle the pain they suggest maintaining sound oral hygiene. Use any fluoride toothpaste to brush the teeth with and minimise consumption of sugary foods and drinks. Furthermore there is the option of making use of temporary crown cementing gel like Tooftpegs to try re-cementing the crown yourself. The range of products is easily available in pharmacies and supermarkets offline as well as online. This re-cementing option is completely dependent on your choice and preference. It is completely alright if you do not want to go for the re-cementing option but in that case you must seek a permanent solution to the problem from your dentist without any delay. However in no circumstance should you use any non dental adhesive like super glue for example to fix a crown.

Loose or rubbing dentures

Just like a loose tooth, loose dentures are also pretty much uncomfortable. Here are a few tips to resolve the discomfort.

  • Try denture fixatives like Sealbond, Fixodent or any other denture pad to make your loose denture feel comfortable.   
  • Adjust any sharp edge or area of your loose denture using an emery board.
  • If the denture proves excessively sore to wear then it is better to leave the dental restoration out of your mouth till a permanent solution is reached suggest dentists having wide experience in handling patients with half broken tooth in London.

In any case you must seek a permanent solution to the problem as early as you can from a qualified dental professional.

In the paragraphs above we have tried discussing almost all the common problem related to the matter. In case if you feel you have an issue which not been mentioned here, then just feel free and tell us. We will surely try to cover it at any appropriate time and place. In order to manage any problem related to broken, chipped or loose teeth we would encourage going to a dentist even if you think you have managed it well at home.  

One of the best dental practices in and around London to sort out issues like broken tooth replacementor anything related to it is Emergency Dentist London Pro. We are a private dental practice catering to the precise needs of patients since 1960. Our practice is located at Paddington in Bayswater and we stay open all seven days a week.

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